Friday, January 22, 2016

2015: A Year in Review

Well it's been a big year this year. We actually didn't have a ton of goals starting out other than:
  • Get a farm.
  • Commence farming.
So... Success!!!!! Obviously...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Comments and Housekeeping

The comments issue should be corrected. I have removed Google Plus and now you should be able to comment however you like(if you so choose) without having a Google Plus account. I had no idea that it was doing that.

Bonus Bug Dog. Have you ever had a 50lb cattle dog "work" traffic hard in the back of your SUV? It's definitely fun. :P

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Homestead Goals!!!

Finally we have our goals down and edited. Of course the first time we wrote them out we realized that we were a little too ambitious. Not saying we couldn't succeed. With enough time, energy, and money(oh yeah plenty of that stuff) we can force a square peg through a triangle hole. However, we decided that maybe a less ambitious and more realistic approach would be just the ticket. Some of these goals have "Sub-goals". I just didn't really feel that each thing would merit it's own heading(by the end of this year I may have changed my mind ha-ha). So here is our reasonable list of goals for the upcoming year.